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Student Services

In compliance with the recently published, Dubai Inclusive Education Policy Framework 2017 Dubai College is strongly committed to inclusive education promoting highly inclusive ethos.

We welcome students with varied special educational needs and disabilities.

We actively seek to empower and maximize the participation and integration of Students of Determination and work to ensure equal opportunities for our students of determination.

In accordance with the Federal Law No (29) of 2006 & Law no (2) of 2014 governing Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Emirate of Dubai, Dubai College, provides appropriate provisions and curriculum modifications of all students of determination thereby ensuring complete educational and social inclusion. 

Dubai College is strongly committed to inclusive education across all year groups; this provision includes one in which the teaching, learning, achievements, attitudes and well-being of all the students who gain admission to Dubai College matter – including those identified as having additional needs. The College is also committed to recognizing the potential of all students and giving them access to enrichment activities. We fully support the inclusive aims of the Government of Dubai ‘My Community’ initiative launched in 2013, which seeks to ensure persons (and children) with disabilities can participate in education, recreation, arts, sports and culture. Our aim is to know individuals well to help them reach their full potential. We do this through careful personalisation of the curriculum opportunities offered and support programmes that may be required. We want to develop each student as a whole person with the skills and competencies necessary for his or her future life roles. 

In line with the school’s Admissions Policy, individuals will be considered with reference to their needs, resources and the school’s ability to meet those needs. The school will strive to provide appropriate support for students with a range of special educational needs and disabilities. The school will make reasonable adjustments to accommodate students with SEND during entry tests. A current report written by an Educational Psychologist or Specialist teacher will be required to put appropriate arrangements in place, and any access arrangements will be based on the student’s usual way of working. 

Accessible to wheelchair users

Dubai College is strongly committed to inclusive education across all year groups; this provision includes one in which the teaching, learning, achievements, attitudes and well-being of all the students who gain admission to Dubai College matter – including those identified as having additional needs.

Meet Kimberly

"If there was an issue, there was always a way.  Dubai College adapted sport for me - I tried trampolining!"  Kimberly

Student Services Recourses

Advocating for Inclusive Education

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Advocating for Inclusive Education is a guide to help parents better understand their legal rights and responsibilities when it comes to finding the right school for their child.

It also includes insights on becoming more effective advocates for their children at school.

DC Wellbeing Podcasts

Exploring New Topics - Dysgraphia

Exploring New Topics - Autism

Exploring New Topics - Dyspraxia

Exploring New Topics - Dyscalculia

Exploring New Topics - Dyslexia

Understanding ADHD - symptoms & subtypes

Understanding Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Preparing for an Empty Nest

Parenting Teenagers Episode 2

Parenting Teenagers Episode 1