Recent Projects
The Jafar Centre
This new, award winning and visionary building reflects the College's strategic vision of education in the mid 21st century. Containing the stunning Bridgman Library, a green-screen studio, light and adaptive classrooms and new Harkness suites, a magnificent art department and a cafe opening out onto the quad, the building represents our principles of inter-disciplinarity, group learning and break-out spaces.
The Kilachand Piano
Dubai College is now the proud possessor of arguably the finest piano in the Emirate. A brand-new Steinway Concert D grand piano has been installed in the auditorium and will showcase the quality and standard of the school's young pianists. Our Piano students have already enjoyed a professional masterclass with pianist Andrew Smith on this prestigious instrument and the Music Department has a fantastic legacy for our musicians to enjoy for many years to come.
The Dubai College Foundation
The Dubai College Foundation is a UK-registered charity whose aims are to support the College and its philanthropic endeavours, both within DC and in the developing world. Registered with the International Humanitarian City in Dubai (reg. 150114) as well as the Charity Commission in the UK (reg. 1173243), it has its own board of Trustees and allows the College to fundraise within Dubai for third world projects as well as to offer tax-effective giving to UK supporters for both the College and worldwide projects through the Gift Aid system.