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Daily timings

Daily timings 2022-2023

Monday - Thursday

Period Timings
Registration 07.45 - 07.50
Period 1 07.50 - 08.40
Period 2 08.40 - 09.30
Break 09.30 - 09.50
Period 3 09.50 - 10.40
Period 4 10.40 - 11.30
Period 5 11.30 - 12.30
Lunch 12.30 - 13.30
Form Time 13.30 - 13.55
Period 6 13.55 - 14.45
Period 7 14.45 - 15.35


Friday only

Period Timings
Registration 07.45 - 07.55
Period 1 07.55 - 08.40
Period 2 08.40 - 09.25
Period 3 09.25 - 10.10
Break 10.10 - 10.30
Period 4 10.30 - 11.15
Period 5 11.15 - 12.00


Hours are adjusted during the Holy Month of Ramadan in accordance with the local regulator. 


Parents should complete the online form found in the Parent Portal before 9.00 am on the morning of the absence and provide a note when the student returns to school. If parents are going to be out of the country, it is essential that they advise the school office of their child’s temporary guardian and contact numbers in case of an emergency. 

We do not encourage absences during term time, but realise that there are occasions when this is unavoidable.  Requests for absence should be emailed to the Headmaster for approval at least two weeks before the absence is due to take place.