Dubai College’s vision is to be leading British education overseas, underpinned by four pillars of sporting, creative, philanthropic and academic endeavour. When it comes to academic endeavour, we aspire to set the standard globally for inspirational and transformative learning and we are committed to developing future global leaders who see themselves as lifelong learners.
As part of our vision to be leading British education overseas, the Dubai College Learner Profile embodies a holistic approach with thinking and wellbeing at its core.
Students are encouraged to have a deep understanding of how they think, allowing them to capitalise on problem-solving opportunities through creative and critical thinking. We believe that our students will learn to innovate if they have curiosity, a willingness to take risks and if they make connections across a wide range of disciplines.
At Dubai College, we believe that global leaders who are resilient and motivated thinkers will have a positive impact on the world. As such, while we are consistently effective in helping our students to secure excellent examination results, we also want to produce students who can think critically, analytically and independently and we want them to acquire the confidence which comes from a rich diet of educational opportunities.
As a professional learning community, we intend to nurture the following skills within our classrooms:
- Creating opportunities to allow students to think critically and creatively.
- Encouraging students to ask questions to deepen conceptual links.
- Fostering analytical thinking through problem solving.
- Making time to allow students to create something completely new and to go beyond the curriculum.
- Explaining concepts well to enable students to realise how to use their skills with automaticity.
- Using enquiry to develop inquisitiveness through collaboration and independent thinking.
- Creating a positive environment where students feel resilient enough to take risks in communicating their learning because teachers model that mistakes are a normal part of learning.